Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Food-Focused Fundraising

Thank you so very much to everyone who supported our dinner at San Rafael Joe's on Thursday. We had a great turnout and lots of fun while we raised $500 for ReNew Orleans! 

In fact, we had SO much fun that we are going to do it AGAIN!  Yep, you read right! Mark your calendars now for Wednesday, May 2, when Joe's will again donate 10% back to ReNew Orleans.

Also, whether you attend Mass on Sundays at St. Raphael or St. Francis, you will be able to support our efforts further by visiting our "Healthy Food" Bake Sale after Sunday services. We will have delicious seasonal fruits and homemade muffins available on a Pay-What-You-Will basis. It's a great way to recover from post-St. Patrick's Day festivities, and you can support us even if you gave up sweets for Lent!

As of today, our fundraising has officially passed the 10% mark and is increasing steadily. We are now at $5,432 raised!

If you've been paying attention to our many fundraisers, you may start to ask yourself, "Why is all this fundraising centered around food?" The answer is simple, really. Everyone Eats. Eating is one of the few universals -- crossing all gender lines, cultural lines, economic lines, age lines. Because of this, it's easy to include more people in the fundraising. Whether someone buys a 50-cent muffin or a $50 dinner at a restaurant on one of our dining nights, they can feel good about supporting our trip in a way that is financially comfortable for them at the time. Also, because food is universal, acquiring the food to sell is usually inexpensive and easy for participants or families to donate. Plus, because New Orleans has such a rich culinary history, it's fun to be able to share elements of N'awlins cooking, like Cajun shrimp pasta and beignets, with our California supporters. So thanks for asking -- and eat up!

Please remember to help keep our efforts going strong by sharing this blog and encouraging your friends and family to learn more about what we do in New Orleans.  Also, if you are interested in more personal stories from our youth, please check out the blogs Nicole Goes to Germany and My Swed-ish Adventure -- Nicole and Collin have both participated in our trip several times, and while they are both studying abroad this year, they took time from their studies to reflect on what the trip means to them.

Thank you once again to everyone who has donated so far, and a special thank you to Cynthia, Carlo, and all the staff at San Rafael Joe's for all of their hard work and generosity.

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